PRAY- the best way to HELP LISA FIGHT is PRAY
Psalm 30:2
O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.
We are asking you to pray for Lisa, lift her up to our GOD so that He will hear His people ask for her healing. God's will is divine and we pray for His peace over Lisa and her family.
O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.
We are asking you to pray for Lisa, lift her up to our GOD so that He will hear His people ask for her healing. God's will is divine and we pray for His peace over Lisa and her family.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
God is in Control
Day 18 and still in the hospital! I am having surgery Friday morning to put a tube in my stomach to keep it drained! I haven't slept in 48 hours cause I throw up all the time. I know I have a lot of people praying for me. I need it more then ever now. I know this will be a different way pf living for myself but If I can stay alive it will be worth it. The Dr. say that my stomach has stopped working that is why i am having so much trouble. I will still try to keep you informed on here but my sister is keeping her face book page up about me. Keep praying THE FAT LADY HAS NOT SUNG YET!!!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
It has been a week!!!!!!! Not only did my oldest daughter have her first car accident (no one was hurt) but my youngest daughter broke her leg and will be out of school for at least 8 weeks. I went to do chemo last Thursday and they couldn't do it because my white and red blood count was too low. They wanted to do a blood transfusion but the last time I had that it made me deathly sick so I said no. I did take a special shot and go beck in on Monday to see where my levels are and I pray we will be able to do chemo this week. My counts have been going up so we might have to change a few things. I did get the fluid on my stomach drained. They got a little more then 4 liters! WOW that is a lot. It took 10 pounds off of me so I like to think that I had a small child. I know God doesn't give you more then you can handle so I am going to just keep fighting and having faith. Thank you again for all the prayers and food and help that has been given to all of us. Love you all
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Lisa's 40th Birthday
Sunday, Sept. 2, was Lisa's 40th birthday. Travis and Angie and Sophie were here and we had birthday dinner. Lisa was able to eat some and really enjoyed it. She had chemo last Thursday and will have chemo again this Thursday, Then she has a week off. So she is looking forward to that week off. So this round of chemo is three weeks on and then one off. We don't know how many rounds we have to do, but we will just believe that it will zap the tumor and she can feel better again. She continues to be very brave and doesn't complain. She takes shots for her white blood cells two days before treatment. These treatments are really a lot harder on her than the last treatments. She doesn't seem to have much energy for anything. But her spirit is good, and she is looking forward to moving into her new home in a few weeks. The girls are doing well in school, so that is great. Please keep praying. We really appreciate all of your love and prayers. Thank all of you.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Please Keep Praying For Me
I took Lisa to Springfield last Thursday for new chemo treatment. She had been very sick for a couple of days after having her stomach tapped on the previous Monday. They took off little more than 2 liters of fluid. When we arrived at clinic, had to get a wheelchair to get her in because she was so weak. They called doctor in to look at her, and she immediately admitted us to the Mercy Hospital in Springfield. Very hard for her to be back there, as it had been 18 months since we were there. They started fluids and tried to manage her pain, so lots of meds. She was some better Friday morning, so they ordered chemo treatment with a new drug that had been added by her Mayo doctor. We finally left the hospital Friday late afternoon and brought her back home. She was still pretty sick Saturday, and then Sunday night, really hit a low. Sunday was a very hard day for her. She ran fever of 101 and went a couple of days without sleep, no matter how many drugs she took. She hasn't eaten much for a week or so. I tried to care for her all day Sunday, and finally called my friend who is a nurse, and she came over and helped me care for her. She said she wanted her dad to make posters again with the healing scriptures on them, so he made a late run to get the posters and made them for her. She is to have the chemo each week, and I am waiting on a call at the present from her doctor to see if they think she should go ahead and take the shot for the white blood cells or not. Doctor told us to do two shots this time before chemo Thursday, but I am not sure her body can do it. I just ask all of you that have been such faithful prayer warriors to please continue to hold her up in prayer. Also please pray for wisdom for the doctor to know how to treat her. She has fluid again and they wanted to drain it again when we were in the hospital, but she couldn't do it. She has a new 3.8 cm tumor on lining of tummy and CA-19 was back up to 4221.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Prayer Warriors
Ok so all my Prayer Warriors I need it now!!!!! Heading to Mayo with my dad and Steve on Wed. night. I do bloodwork on Thursday and see the Dr on Friday! I have a lot of fluid back on my stomach that needs to be drained. It hurts so bad. I can only have it drained if they put me to sleep so keep your fingers crossed. It hurts when they drain it. It is like sticking a straw in your stomach while you are awake and you cant move or else!!! I know the cancer count is going up so we need the Dr to figure out a new treatment so we can kick this cancers ass again!!! I just want to be healthy and enjoy everyday I have with my family. This being in so much pain is for the birds. We were going to fly to Mayo since I am hurting but it is too expensive so we are driving. Pray for safe travels!! My mother will be at home with my girls since they start school on Wed. so if you want to know anything you can call her. Thank you again for all your prayers and support. Love each and everyone of you.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Mayo Bound
I know I have not updated my blog in a while but I was waiting until I spoke to Dr. G at Mayo. My CA19 9 cancer marker continues to go up so the Dr.'s feel like it is time to change chemo. I am heading to Mayo on the 16th and have a appointment on the 17th. Dr. G is just running a few test on me so he can figure out what is going on. We communicate over the phone and email all the time but it is time for him to see me in person. I feel real good about it. I just want to stop the cancer before it gets out of hand. On a lighter note our house is coming along and we should be in it real soon. Painting is starting tonight!!! The girls start school at Joplin on the 15th. It is so great to be back in Joplin and to be a EAGLE again!! I am looking forward to Dominique's senior year and Emma's fist year of middle school. Thank you again for all the prayers!!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Keep Praying
We have now been back from Mexico for a month and I have 3 chemo treatments. I have taken oral chemo for well I am on my 5 week. Got my cancer marker test back yesterday and it has gone up again. we are now at 4221. I know it isnt at 16000 were we were 24 months ago but I would really like it to be at 14!!!!!! I have been fighting this for 24 months and out ofthe 24 months I have been doing some kind of chemo and radiation. My body is worn out and I am tired. It does get harder to stay positive. I just need more strength.
Very Frustrated but still FIGHTING
We have been back from Mexico for a month!!! Boy do I miss the sand between my toes! I got my ca19 9 results back and they have gone up to 4221. I am waiting for Dr. G to get back on Thursday and maybe we will have to do a different treatment. I might even need to go back to Mayo. I know it isn't the 16000 it was 24 months ago when we started this nightmare but I have been doing some kind of chemo for 22 months and my body is tired. I am tired and I am sure my family is worn out. I feel like I am trapped in a 90 year old body and i am not even 40!!!!! Just keep praying for answers and a total healing. Thank you for all your support and love for all of us. We will beat this. New York and Vegas are next. I will post Mexico pictures soon. Love to all of you!!!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Have to keep fighting!
Went for chemo yesterday and got test results back from my ct and pet scan. Good and bad. The mass on my left side has gone down but the right side got bigger. I have fluid again on my stomach which make it uncomfortable to sit for long periods of time but there isn't enough to drain! I have a cyst on my right ovary but I have had them all my life so need for treatment on it. I have some new lesions on my liver that we will have to watch every week. It is caused by doing so much chemo and radiation over the past 2 years. Yes it has almost been two years since I was diagnosed. They gave me two months to live. I am grateful that I am still fighting 2 YEARS later. The Dr's think it is stabilizing which is great. I will just have to continue doing chemo until it is gone so I am not sure how long this will take. It is Gods hands. just please pray that the pain that I am having will go away and I can stop taking pain meds. Pray for the fluid to go away because getting it drained is real bad. Waiting for my Mayo Dr to get back with me after her reviews the scans. Thank you for all your support and prayers.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Time to hit it hard
We had a wonderful time in Cozumel! It was just what the Dr. ordered!! I go in for chemo tomorrow at 7:30 am. I also start oral chemo but it is going to be worth it this time. This past week one of my very dear friends lost her fight here on earth with cancer but I got to visit with her two weeks ago and I told her I would keep fighting. I will fight for all those who lost their fight! They all go won in heaven!!! Here is a picture of our trip I will post more in a few days. I will be moving back home to Joplin!!! It is time to be closer to family!
Bad Report
Got my CA19 9 test back today and it went to 3749 which is a bit higher then last time. The Dr is scheduling a ct and pet scan asap! I know God is in control. I am also moving tomorrow so please keep me in your prayers. I need strength!!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Time to relax
I went to the Dr. today and got a shot to bring my white blood count back up! OUCH Last week I had chemo on Thursday. I did get my CA19-9 back and it had gone down about 70 points. Dr. Raju would of liked it to have gone down more since in the past it always went down by the hundreds. I just have to be thankful that it went down 70 and not up 70. It is now effecting my ovaries so I have been having a lot of pain. Feels like really bad cramps all the time. My sister came down to see me last Thursday and that was a great surprise then my brother and his family surprised us on Friday so it was a fun weekend. I don't have to do chemo this week since we are leaving for vacation yes vacation! I feel we all need to get away and relax and enjoy life a little. Looking forward to making lots of memories!!!!! When we get back I will be hitting chemo hard again for two weeks then we will do another PET scan and CT scan! I am so thankful that I am well enough to go on this trip! I will post pictures when I get back... Please pray for safe travels and that my immune system will handle this. I will be wearing a mask and washing my hands a lot!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Another Week Lord HELP Me
I went for blood work yesterday thinking that I wouldn't have to do a shot but my white blood count was only at a 2.0 and that is way too low so I did the shot. I go back Thursday for blood work so pray it is higher so I am able to do chemo. I also see the Dr. Thursday and then chemo. I have been fighting depression! I know it goes along with this but it is frustrating. I feel like I am trapped in a 80 year old body. On a good note we leave for Cozumel in 10 days. My toes need to be in the sand. So after this treatment I have another one next week then off we go! Keep praying that I bounce back fast. I refuse to feel bad on vacation. We are waiting for my CA19-9 test to come back so as soon as I get the numbers I will post it! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Another Week
Went for a shot today. We have decided that I don't need to take two a week but only one. That is great cause I only get to feel like I have the flu one day not two!!! I go for chemo on Thursday!!! My CA19-9 count went down 300 points. I would of liked for it to have gone down more but I will take it. At least it is going in the right direction. OK so now I stay on oral chemo until next Wed. then a break until he 21st. Shot the 21st chemo on the 23rd then again the next week but on June 2nd my toes will be in the sand on a beach in MEXICO!!!!!! I think having something to look forward to helps through the hard time. The times when you are all alone and sick of fighting. When I was at the Dr. this morning usually there are elderly people there but today there was a guy I would say probably in his early 20's. I was wondering what kind of cancer he was fighting. I could see in his face the same way I was feeling. Hurry and get me out of here!!! He looked tired and weak. I pray strength for him and that he is healed!! Thank you again for all the prayers, food that has been brought over, and for those who are still donating and helping us financially! I hope everyone has a very blessed week!!!
Friday, April 20, 2012
I posted yesterday about our house being built in Springfield well it is in Joplin! I will be in Springfield until June then we are moving to Joplin. I can do bloodwork and shots in Joplin and continue to do my chemo in Springfield. Have a wonderful weekend and keep FAITH>
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Another Week
I went for chemo today! The chemo I do in the office really isn't bad at all. I think if it weren't for the oral chemo I could drive myself but for now my mom goes with me!!! Thank you mom!!! I have another week of oral chemo and then i am off a week. YEA I will be getting my shots on the 30th and the 1st before the next treatment on the 3rd. I am not sure how many I will have to do but we know it is working so that is all that matters. I haven't had very much energy an that it very frustrating but I guess it is part of it. My hair is thinning again so I pray that it slows down. I am going to try to keep what I have for as long as I can. My friend Sheri brought dinner over again this week. Wow she is a great friend. We leave for MEXICO in 44 days and I am counting it down. It seems like life is so busy right now with school finishing up. Dominique goes to her first prom on Saturday and I am so excited. I will post pictures. Emma is busy playing volleyball here in Springfield and also in Carthage. Keep praying and I will keep fighting. Thanks for all my family and friends. Oh yea the first floor of our new home in Springfield is now framed!!!!! We thought we would add another project to our list!!!!!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Tough Week
Went for shots on Monday and Tuesday and boy had I forgotten how bad they were. I felt like I had the flu with pain in my stomach all week. I went for chemo yesterday and it went OK all my levels were good. I had to cut back on my blood thinner. I started back on oral chemo last night. I take 4 pills a day for 14 day. It makes me really sick but I am going to try to push through it. Dominique gets to go to her first prom next weekend and I am so excited and Emmalee starts volleyball this weekend. I am just trying to rest so I can make it to their games! We are also building a new house in Joplin and I hope it will be done by the end of June but it probably wont be until August. We will be moving to Joplin as soon as school is out so we can be closer to family. We are all excited I will still be getting treated in Springfield but I can do blood work and shots in Joplin so I feel it will all work out. I am believing that this will be the last time and for a COMPLETE HEALING. I have been healed twice so the third time is the charm. It gets harder and harder to fight but I have amazing support all around me and I have two gifts from God to fight for. We leave for Mexico in 51 day and yes I am counting!!!! Need something to look forward to. I think we all need a break from cancer!!!! I start back up with blood work and shots on Monday and Tuesday and chemo again on Thursday so just pray for peace strength and no pain. Thank you and love you all!!!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Great Week
I have had a great week. I didn't have to do any chemo. I did do blood work and it was good. I have to do shots Monday and Tuesday next week to get ready for chemo on Thursday. I also start oral chemo too. That is what is hard the oral chemo! I will get through it. We have 57 days until we leave for Mexico so I have something to look forward too. I told the Dr's that I was NOT going to let chemo or cancer hold me back from enjoying life with my family!!!! My brother and his family gets to go this time! I wish my sister and her family were going to but they are going to Florida. We will just have to plan something for the future. Life is so short and we need to enjoy every minute that God lets us have!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Passover!!!!! Thanks for all the prayers and support. Love everyone.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Day after chemo
I got to do chemo yesterday but I don't have to start the oral chemo again until the 12th. It hasn't been too bad I think I will do better this time. Didn't sleep much must I will nap today. I go in for blood work next week then the following Monday and Tuesday i do shots and then chemo again on that Thursday. Thank you for all your prayers. I am thinking that I will have to do this treatment for a while but we have booked a family trip to Mexico in June so that gives me something to look forward too. I will just have to work chemo out around it!!! Chemo will not rule my life. I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy weekend!!!!
Monday, March 26, 2012
No chemo today!!
Blood count was too low again so I will be taking shots today and tomorrow to bring it up and we will try again on Thursday. Very frustrated because time is not on our side!!! Still taking oral chemo and it is making me sick but you have to do what you have to do. Please pray that everything goes good for Thursday!!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
New Chemo
I was unable to do chemo last Friday due to very low white blood count! I has to rest all weekend. I went in Monday and everything looked good so we went for it. I feel sick today and real tires. I will do my next treatment Monday and then take a week on. I am taking oral chemo everyday and that is what I feel is really making me sick but you have to do what you have to do. I am very thankful for my love ones!!!!!!
Friday, March 16, 2012
I am going in today at 7:30 for blood work 8:40 to see the Dr and then chemo after. I am still not sure what kind of chemo they are giving me today since my numbers went up and I have a couple of new masses. I just want something strong to knock this out! The devil has been working hard on my ,mind but that is a huge fight for me. I will win this battle and I will keep my faith. Please pray for n side effects and for a fast recovery. Also please pray for my dear friends mother Ferrel Good. She is also fighting a battle with cancer and we know who is in control and who is faithful! GOD
Friday, March 9, 2012
Time to put the ARMOR on!!!
I went for testing yesterday and go the results today! My CA19-9 came back 6401 and I have a new mass in my pelvic as well as a 2cm spot on my pancreas! We are waiting on my Dr. from Mayo to call and tell us the next move. There has got to be something out there to make this go away or stop it from growing! I have been having a lot of pain in my pelvic and also in my right side. I have also had a hard time eating because of the chemo treatment that I am doing. Please keep praying that God will heal me! My children and my family need me as well as all my good friends. I will never stop fighting this and I will continue to thank God for every day that I have! I am so blessed and thankful for all that I have and all that I will continue to receive. God is faithful.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Fight Fight Fight
First I want the thank everyone for praying for me. I get my next chemo March 2nd. Even though I get to do it at home now with a pump it is harder then going into the hospital. Wow when the devil attacks he attacks. I will not give up hope or stop having faith ever. I am fighting not only for my children and my family but for all the people who lost their fight. My Dr. at Mayo said that this is something that will never go away and that they are trying to prolong my life as long as possible but I know God heal and heals completely! That is what I am holding on too. It has been very frustrating but the support around me wont let me give up. I am feeling a little better today after getting finished last Sunday. I think I might be able to eat today so pray for that! Thank you again and I love you all.
Friday, February 17, 2012
FEB. 17, 2012---2nd trip to Mayo
Today is Friday. We (Lisa, mom, Steve and myself) flew to Rochester on Wed. The purpose of this trip was to figure out what the next step is. Lisa's CA 19-9 number went up to 3209. Her local doctor wasn't sure what to do, so Mayo was the answer. Lisa met with her Mayo doctor on Thursday. He said that there was cancer in her abdominal wall. He said that her number didn't concern him, but it was time for a modified chemo treatment. He suggested the same treatment as before, minus one of the drugs. This was going to be done through a pump which would be done at home. Friday morning, Lisa did a chemo treatment at Mayo. It began with 3 hours of treatment at Mayo, and will continue for an additional 46 hrs after that. She will fly home with a pump attached to her port, to finish the treatment. She will do a 2nd treatment in 2 weeks, and then 2 weeks later, her blood level's/number will be tested. So..we are flying home Sat. morning. This has been an eye opening experience for sure! We are confident that the decision to come here was the best one! The people at Mayo are amazing. Thank you God for your guidance and your healing power!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
After Chemo
It has been 5 days that I have been home. I have been fighting bad headaches! They are better today. I think when you go through something like this your try to block it out because it is so hard and bad but I remember now how bad it really is. I am trying to make it not so bad for my girls. Once again I have had great support just ready for this to be over once again. I know God didn't heal me the first time for me to not beat this again. I know I have helped a bunch of people that are going through this but I am tired. I guess I am just keeping it real. I am not sure how many more I have to do but I do know I am going to try not to focus on the treatments and focus on the victory trips!!!!!! Thank you for all the prayers and support.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Reoccuring Cancer-January 24, 2012
Lisa is currently at St. John's in Springfield, ready to begin chemo treatment. She has cancer in her Peritoneum (lining of the inner wall of abdomen, which covers the uterus, bladder, and rectum). When she was first diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer back in 2010, the cancer has metastasized to her Peritoneum, thus the diagnosis as "reoccuring". Her doctor at Mayo, along with her local doctor, agreed that she needed to do the same chemo regimen as before. After this first treatment (she will be in hospital 4 days), they will see how she handles the treatment, and then decide the best plan as far as continuing the same dosage w/ stay in hospital or doing an office treatment or home treatment with a chemo pump.
There is no mass in Pancrease or anywhere else, and the cancer seems to be contained in the peritoneum.--so that is a positive thing! Surgery is not an option at this point.
Please continue to pray for Lisa. Pray that God gives her the strength and courage to tackle this again.
There is no mass in Pancrease or anywhere else, and the cancer seems to be contained in the peritoneum.--so that is a positive thing! Surgery is not an option at this point.
Please continue to pray for Lisa. Pray that God gives her the strength and courage to tackle this again.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Change of Plans
Ok so I guess I have cancer in my stomach. I will know more tomorrow when I check into the hospital to start chemo. I am not sure what kind of treatment yet I think it is the same as last time. If it doesn't make me too sick I get to bring it home and do it with a p0ump! I know sounds like fun!!! I will know more tomorrow! My Dr at Mayo is the one who ordered this so I guess we don't have to make that trip and we can start the treatment now. I know I should be grateful just kinda tired of fighting. Keep praying here we go!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Test came back and showed fluid building up on my stomach again. We sent all the scans and test results to my Dr at Mayo but he wont be in the office until Monday so we are waiting. As you know if you are working with anything medical there is always a waiting game!! We have a appointment Thursday for testing and to see the Dr Friday. We need answers so we can stop what ever is going on. My CA19 9 levels haven't been this high since I started the 4th chemo treatment at the beginning. Yes it has been a little stressful but my dad says "you can either have Fear or Faith but you can't have both. I HAVE FAITH!! I know God has a plan for me and I know I have to keep fighting for my girls and my family it just gets really hard some days. Keep praying not only for me but for the Dr's and the direction we are going to go to kick the cancers butt!!!! Thank you everyone for all your support and prayers. Love you <3
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Here we go again!!
Had my CA19-9 test done and yes it has gone up to 1265. It hasn't been that high since I was in the hospital doing chemo. I go for a CT scan on Monday and My Dr at Mayo is reading my test. I made a appointment to go see him on the 27th so if he feels like I need to make that visit we will be on our way. I just need to get this under control and get it gone. It has been a stressful time but I have beat this 2 other times I can do it again. Thank you for all your prayers. I will keep you posted. I should have results Tuesday.
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